You can read the document by clicking here:
General terms and conditions for the performance of work and services HUTCHINSON _EN
You can read the document by clicking here:
General terms and conditions for the performance of work and services HUTCHINSON _EN
“I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Euro Disney Associés S.A.S General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (GTCP) of Euro Disney Associés S.A.S available on my e-Attestations account and accept them fully. “
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Convenio de colaboración taxi IMA Iberica
pagina 17
FINALIDAD: Los datos personales de los interesados arriba indicados se tratarán para las siguientes finalidades:
1ª Posibilitar el mantenimiento, desarrollo y gestión de la relación negocial formalizada por medio de este documento. Los datos tratados con esta finalidad se conservarán mientras se mantenga dicha relación negocial y, una vez finalizada ésta, durante los plazos de conservación y de prescripción de responsabilidades legalmente previstos.
2ª Mantener informado al Proveedor, incluso por medios electrónicos, acerca de los productos, servicios y novedades de IMA IBÉRICA.
Los datos tratados con esta finalidad se conservarán hasta el momento en que el Proveedor retire su consentimiento dado para la recepción de dichas comunicaciones.
Si consiente el tratamiento de los datos con esta finalidad, por favor, marque esta casilla.
3ª Comunicar los datos de los interesados al resto de empresas pertenecientes al Grupo IMA, todas ellas dedicadas a la Actividad de Asistencia y Seguros para que puedan mantener informado al Proveedor, incluso por medios electrónicos, acerca de sus productos, servicios y novedades.
Los datos tratados con esta finalidad se conservarán hasta el momento en que el Proveedor retire su consentimiento dado para la comunicación de sus datos.
Si consiente el tratamiento de los datos con esta finalidad, por favor, marque esta casilla.
LEGITIMACIÓN: La base jurídica para llevar a cabo los tratamientos de datos especificados en el apartado anterior es la siguiente:
1ª Ejecución de las obligaciones contractuales asumidas por el Proveedor e IMA IBÉRICA mediante este documento.
2ª Consentimiento dado para la recepción de dichas comunicaciones.
3ª Consentimiento dado para la comunicación de los datos.
DESTINATARIOS: De conformidad con lo previsto en la finalidad de tratamiento 1ª, los datos sólo se comunicarán a terceros para el cumplimiento de obligaciones legales.
El proveedor ha leído y entendido los principios y términos éticos descritos en este documento, y acepta que su relación comercial con IMA IBERICA está basada en el cumplimiento completo de los mismos.
The list of driver’s license holders is to be updated in the following cases:
The update of this list engages the responsibility of the provider
L’elenco dei titolari di licenza deve essere aggiornato nei seguenti casi
ritiro temporaneo della licenza
ritiro permanente di una licenza
uscita del titolare dall’azienda
L’aggiornamento di questo elenco è responsabilità del fornitore di servizi.
A lista de titulares de licença deve ser actualizada nos seguintes casos
retirada temporária da licença
retirada permanente de uma licença
saída do titular da empresa
A actualização desta lista é da responsabilidade do prestador de serviços
Die Liste der Führerscheininhaber ist in den folgenden Fällen zu aktualisieren:
vorübergehender Führerscheinentzug
endgültiger Entzug des Führerscheins
Ausscheiden des Inhabers aus dem Unternehmen.
Für die Aktualisierung dieser Liste ist der Auftragnehmer verantwortlich
Veuillez déposer ce document après l’avoir téléchargé , complété et signé
Please submit this document after downloading, completing and signing it
Please contact your LAVAZZA France / Carte Noire representative to fill in questions 0001 to 0007
To prepare your answers, you can download the questionnaire by clicking below (you will then have to answer the questions online)
This questionnaire forms part of our third party assessment process. It is a mandatory step in order to effectively respond to the requirements of laws and regulations – including the Sapin 2 Law – concerning the integrity of our economic partners, and is an essential element of the anti-corruption compliance system of the Bolloré Group.
We would like to ask you to be kind enough to complete this questionnaire and answer all the questions, because any incomplete or insufficiently explicit response means we will have to ask you additional questions in order to achieve a satisfactory assessment.
In addition, your refusal to provide the requested information or documents, or any delay in doing so (failure to return the questionnaire or no answer provided in one or more parts of the questionnaire) may lead us to consider this as a risk factor.
Please speak to your usual contact if you have any questions about completing this questionnaire.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and for your time spent on providing us with this information.
Bolloré Transport & Logistics considers that protecting personal data is extremely important. It ensures that European and French laws and regulations on protecting private life, the processing of personal data and guidelines from French Civil Liberties watchdog CNIL (hereinafter referred to as the “current laws”) are observed at all times.
Within the framework of the Due Diligence procedures conducted by Bolloré Transport & Logistics, and in accordance with the current laws, we collect and process personal data relating to your employees.
These details are data relating to personal identification, personal characteristics, employment and career, organisation of work. These data are used without prejudice to your employees’ rights with regard to their data being assessed, namely: the rights to access, of rectification, erasure, restriction, objection to processing and portability, to define the fate of their data after their death and, where appropriate, to withdraw their consent, by sending an e-mail to your structure’s data protection officer.
By completing this questionnaire, you acknowledge that you have obtained the free, specific, informed and unambiguous consent of your employees to the processing of their data by Bolloré Transport & Logistics, by means of a declaration or by a clear document giving that consent.
Download the document here
Letter to Suppliers
Subject: Anti-corruption Measures
Dear Madam, Sir
We write to you as one of the suppliers of goods or services to one, or a number of companies in the Refining and Chemicals division.
As part of the policies concerning the fight against corruption and in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the Total group, it has been decided that each new contract for materials or for goods and services will, from now on, include a clause by which the supplier undertakes to acquaint itself with and to comply with, and to cause its subcontractors (if any), to comply with certain provisions regarding anti-corruption.
These provisions are set out in an attachment entitled “Anti-Corruption Undertakings” that you will find enclosed and which will be incorporated into every new contract.
In the meantime, we are kindly requiring all of our suppliers to acquaint themselves with this clause and comply with its obligations, and to cause its personnel and its sub-contractors (if any) to also comply.
We trust that we can count on your co-operation in this regard.
Yours sincerely,
For each paragraph, you can formulate the remarks relating to the manual HES PUR P18-07