Attestation de détachement / Travailleur roulant ou navigant

Retrouvez toutes les informations utiles en cliquant sur les liens suivants :

Cerfa 15553*01 modèle 1 : Travailleur roulant ou navigant dans le cadre de l’exécution d’une prestation de services par une entreprise de transport

Cerfa 15554*01 modèle 2 : Travailleur roulant ou navigant par une entreprise exerçant une activité de travail temporaire établie hors de France

Cerfa 15552*01 modèle 3 : Travailleur roulant ou navigant entre établissements d’une même entreprise ou entre entreprises d’un même groupe

List of names of posted workers subjected to work permit

1/ Download the document

2/ If your company doesn”t employ any workers subjected to work permit in the SCHENGEN area, you juste have to declare “no” and report your VAT number

3/ If your company employs some workers subjected to work permit in the SCHENGEN area,  you  have to declare “yes”; report your VAT number; report the last name, the first name, the date of employment, the type of work permit and the number of the work permit

4/ Upload the document in your count

5/ use the code you received  and sign the document with it

Signature / Instructions

To sign a document electronically, you do not need an electronic signature key, which is integrated and generated automatically by our platform.
All you have to do is enter the temporary signature code that you will have received by e-mail or SMS.

  1. Select how you wish to receive the temporary signature code (email or SMS)
  2. You will be redirected to the Yousign signature portal to view the document to be signed
  3. Please go through all pages of the document before clicking on SIGN at the bottom right
  4. Retrieve your temporary signature code from your mailbox or received by SMS. This code is valid for 10 minutes
  5. Enter your signature code and click on SIGN
  6. You are then redirected to the Declarant portal. The generation of your document takes a few moments.